27 Oct Maxine & Neal’s Wedding
I don’t even know where to start. This wedding reception was incredible! We had never set up the booth on Market Street in Carillon Beach before and I have to say that it was the perfect venue. The entire street was shut down for the reception. Candlelit tables filled the street, string lights crossed between the balconies, and The Daddy Mack Blues Band jammed into the night. Allen Davis and his staff from Paradise Cuisine did an awesome job and I have to thank them for feeding Jamie and me – not only a full dinner, but cake too! And I think they had fun taking a few turns in the photo booth! And a special thanks to Pam Dalton from Carillon Beach Weddings for recommending us to Maxine and Neal. We hope to return to Carillon soon!
Maxine and Neal couldn’t have been nicer and they have a wonderful family and group of friends. Everyone was so friendly and VERY fun to work with at the booth. We hope you enjoy the photos as much as we have! We wish you many blessings, Maxine & Neal!!
*All full size, high resolution photos are available for viewing, ordering and/or downloading HERE
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