13 Mar 30A Wine Festival // Alys Beach Photo Booth
The 3rd Annual 30A Wine Festival, which benefits the Children’s Volunteer Health Network, took place this past weekend in Alys Beach, and we were stoked to add our iBooth to the festivities. Two very cool things to mention:
- The iBooth is really the only way to truly show off the awesome time you’re having at an event, since the social media sharing capabilities are what this handy booth is all about.
- We used a green screen for this event (you, too, can use a green screen for your next event; it’s what all the cool kids are doing, really).
What exactly is a green screen, you ask? Well, the green screen is a great way to incorporate your fancy event logo/branding into the photo booth and blast it out there for the world to see via Facebook, Twitter and Email (Clever Marketing 101, right here, people). The screen is replaced with a digital background image, making it super-easy and wicked fun to change it up during the event should you be so inclined.
We had a blast with these folks, and it’s always great to see their photos uploaded to social media directly from our iBooth. We did have a slight battle with the blazing-bright sunshine and we learned green screen probably works best indoors with controlled lighting.
But the best and most awesome part of that day? Anyone who wore green. Green clothing + the green screen = invisible body parts that automatically qualifies as hilariously awesome. So, please do us a favor and either wear green so we can chuckle and use you as an example for the world to see “what not to wear” in a green screen situation, or, ya know, don’t wear green. (See hilarious invisible guy example, below.)
Huge thanks to Alys Beach for asking us to be a part of this great event again this year!
(Click on the images to enlarge)
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